Railway - Elevated request latency and error rates on edge network – Incident details

Elevated request latency and error rates on edge network

Partial outage
Started about 1 year agoLasted 23 minutes
  • Resolved

    This incident is now resolved. Between 1:54am UTC and 2:06am UTC we saw a extremely high volume of traffic across our edge proxies in us-east and asia-southeast1 due to a DoS attack - our mitigations restricted this traffic, but a portion of edge requests originating from these regions failed / experienced higher latency during this time.

  • Monitoring

    Between 1:54am UTC and 2:06am UTC we saw a extremely high volume of traffic across all our edge proxies due to a DoS attack - our mitigations restricted this traffic, but a portion of edge requests failed / had higher latency during this time. Traffic has now recovered, and we're continuing to monitor.

  • Investigating

    Elevated request latency and error rates on edge network